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The questions opened up for our consideration are as crucial and definitive a facet of a body of knowledge as the theses that it endorses.

Kant's Principle of question propagation: The solution of any factual (scientific) question gives rise to yet further unsolved questions.

Cognitive progress is commonly thought of in terms of the discovery of new facts—new information about things. But the situation is more complicated, because not only knowledge but also questions  must come into consideration. For progress on the side of questions is a crucial mode of cognitive progress, correlative with—and every bit as important as—progress on the side of information.


Change in knowledge carries change in questions in its wake, so the state of questioning changes no less drastically than the state of knowledge. 


Any alterations in the membership of our body of knowledge will afford new presuppositions for further questions that were not available before.

- Nicholas Rescher


Cognitive Pragmatism


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