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  • Clint Warren


The Atheism+ movement, which emerged around 2012, sought to expand the goals of atheism by incorporating social justice and progressive values into its platform. While it aimed to address important issues such as sexism, racism, and LGBTQ+ rights, it ultimately had a negative impact on the New Atheism movement and the secular humanist community as a whole.

One of the main criticisms of Atheism+ was that it fragmented the atheism movement. New Atheism had gained popularity in the mid-2000s, largely due to the works of prominent atheists like Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and Christopher Hitchens. It focused primarily on criticizing religion, advocating for reason and evidence, and promoting skepticism. Atheism+ attempted to impose additional ideological commitments and an overarching social justice agenda onto the movement, which alienated many atheists who disagreed with these particular views.

This ideological shift also resulted in divisions within the secular humanist community. Secular humanism is a broader philosophy that promotes ethical living without religious beliefs, emphasizing reason, compassion, and human flourishing. While secular humanism encompasses a wide range of perspectives, the Atheism+ movement sought to narrow its focus by insisting on specific social justice concerns. This created tensions within the community, as it became more difficult to maintain a united front when individuals held different beliefs on these issues.

Moreover, the Atheism+ movement contributed to the polarization of the atheist community. Instead of fostering open dialogue and respectful disagreement, it often led to the creation of ideological echo chambers where dissenting opinions were shunned or dismissed. This hindered the exchange of ideas and stifled intellectual diversity, which are crucial for any healthy movement or community.

Additionally, the confrontational and divisive approach of Atheism+ alienated potential allies and hindered outreach efforts. By presenting atheism as inherently intertwined with a specific set of political or social beliefs, it risked alienating individuals who may have been sympathetic to atheism but held different views on social justice issues. This limited the movement's ability to gain wider acceptance and engage in constructive dialogue with a broader range of people.

It is important to note, however, that the impact of the Atheism+ movement was relatively short-lived. While it generated significant debate and controversy at the time, it ultimately failed to sustain itself as a dominant force within the atheist or secular humanist communities. Many atheists and secular humanists continue to focus on skepticism, critical thinking, and the promotion of secular values without feeling the need to subscribe to a specific social justice agenda.

Overall, the negative impact of the Atheism+ movement on the New Atheism movement and the secular humanist community stemmed from its attempts to impose a specific ideological framework and its divisive approach to discourse. Moving forward, it is essential for these communities to foster inclusivity, intellectual diversity, and respectful dialogue in order to effectively promote their shared goals and values.

Produced by Clint Warren - Aided by ChatGPT

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